Monday, August 6, 2007

like father, unlike daughter

So according to Facebook, Rudy Giuliani's daughter supports Barak Obama.

It's interesting on its own that a news item has surfaced through Facebook, a testament to its importance in the lives of young people and its power to generate news beyond "Cindy James has added photos."

Aside from that, I like to think that we now live in a world where we can support whoever we want. Giuliani's daughter is free to form her own opinions and state them as such, that doesn't change when your father enters politics. It doesn't mean she loves her father less, or that she doesn't emotionally support him. It means that she is capable of making her own decisions about her political tendencies and beliefs.

I'm kind of embarrassed that this issue has made the news. We are free to believe what we believe, no matter who our parents are and without suffering repercussions due to our parents beliefs. At the end of this New York Times piece they mention the fact that Giuliani is not on Facebook, so his daughter cannot add him as a friend. Well amen, anyone who has to add their Dad on Facebook would be embarrassed, and I think Caroline Giuliani is embarrassed enough right now.

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